About Research
The University Research & Development domain has had a significant impact and assisted the development of a creative, supportive and conducive environment for research amongst the students and faculties of all the constituent colleges. Established as the advanced research cell it consists of all major facilities under one roof. The budget allocation, seed-grants & research awards have been increased for the students as well as the doctoral and postdoctoral fellows, leading to an increase in the quality, the number of research projects and the publications in peer-reviewed journals. There has been a significant increase in ICMR - Short Term Studentship & ICMR - PG thesis support. The R & D domain has been tasked with the promotion of good publication practices and research, procurement of the industry-standard Turnitin software for enforcement on similarity & plagiarism checks. Bio-ethics practices were enhanced through the establishment of the UNESCO ethics unit and that has enhanced the research aptitude in the individual faculties.
The institute also has collaborations with IIT-Mumbai, IIT-Kharagpur, IISc-Bangalore & VNIT-Nagpur in upcoming fields, at the cutting edge of medical delivery, such as bioengineering and medical device innovation. This has led to the establishment of a center like NEWGEN INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CENTER (New Gen IEDC), under the aegis of: National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) DST, Govt. of India, BETiC Innovation Cell, Institutional innovation council recognized by Innovation cell, MHRD to promote innovations in medical technology and health care. The Molecular Biology and Epidemiology Laboratory provides state of the art facilities for molecular research. Incorporation of the global health perspective with social innovation supported by the SILICE project & the Enprenindia project (Erasmus+, EU) by a consortium of 14 higher education institutions across 5 countries and partnering with academia, industries and NGOs. Consultancy and collaboration had a significant impact and has led to many interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and translational researches.
A consortium with national and international bodies for global health like South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN), Global Consortium for Public Health and Research (GCPHR) has been formed which has led to joint publications, joint conference/workshops, an increase in student and faculty exchange programs, joint grant submissions, and knowledge exchanges. Incentives, training on research methodology and advanced statistics has led to the increase in high-quality peer-reviewed publications.
There has been a special focus on enhancing facilities for grant submission & collaboration which has led to enrichment and increase in the number of grant submissions, including joint grant submissions with prestigious universities like Harvard University (USA), University of Sydney (Australia), Sheffield University (UK), Bournemouth University (UK), Liverpool John-Moores University (UK), Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI).
Research Publications:
Publications in the last 3 years
Publications in 3 electronic databases
Patents & Copyrights:
Patent applications filed
Patent applications published
patent granted
copyrights received